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Fundamentals Of Islamic Aqidah

by Adibah Abdul Rahim

Publisher - inthought

Category - Islam

Islamic aqidah is basic knowledge that should be taught, learned, and acted upon to accept actions by God. Islam’s aqidah is founded on the principles of belief and righteous conduct. This connection between values and practice lies at the heart of the Islamic way of life. Therefore, it is critical to form a proper understanding of Islam’s belief system to achieve life's true objectives.

As compared to other disciplines, the Islamic aqidah is a core subject for teaching and inspiring Muslims to adopt and adhere to Islam as a way of life and a system of personal and social values. It aims to teach Muslims Islam, what it means to be Muslim and how to be Muslims. Its content is worth learning because it is meaningful and relevant to our everyday lives. Among the major concerns of Islamic aqidah are the concepts of tawhid, life after death, man, society, and the universe. I will not approach these topics from theological or philosophical perspectives in this book, but adopt a more practical approach. The discussion creates awareness among students of the implications of those beliefs on their lives as moral beings. It emphasises religious duties given that many of the problems in Muslim society today are due to a failure to appreciate and abide by the fundamental principles, duties and responsibilities in Islam. By the end of the book, students should be able to link the subject to their needs, concerns and larger issues facing the world and humanity.

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